Hack-A-Thon at PARI April 2025

Register for a weekend Hack-A-Thon at PARI!

📍 Where: The PARI campus at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, NC  28772
📅 When: Friday, April 11th at 7:00 PM through Sunday, April 13th at 3:00 PM
🛏️ What: This registration covers lodging on Friday and Saturday nights and meals while attending the event
🙂 Who: This is for teams and individuals who want to participate in the entire Hack-A-Thon. The target audience is teams of high school aged students joined by a teacher or other adult leader, or students currently in college. Others may be eligible as well, see details below.
⚠️ Deadlines: You must register for meals by 3/31/2025 so we can order and receive food in time. Lodging is assigned on a first come, first served basis, so sooner is better.

You may register for just meals, just lodging, or a combination of both. You do not need to stay overnight at PARI or eat PARI provided meals to participate in the event.

Lodging is limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.  Register early to ensure lodging will be available for your team.

About the Hack-A-Thon

This Hack-A-Thon is for teams ready to tackle big ideas in space exploration. If you believe you are up to the task of transforming a complex topic into a tool or experience that helps others understand and be inspired, this event is for you!

If you’re a teacher, gather up a team of students. If you’re a high school student, gather up some friends and a teacher. If you’re a college student, gather some friends. Then, register!

Your team will choose from a menu of space science related challenges to take on for the weekend. Most challenges will be related to developing creative ways to explain concepts in space science and human space exploration to others. For instance, you may create an interactive way to show people the composition of regolith from different regions on Mars, or a video game to allow people steer a space probe around an icy moon to catch particles from ice geysers. During the Hack-A-Thon you’ll create the best version you’re able, and the most inspiring teams could see their ideas turned into real exhibits that become part of a travelling model of part of the International Space Station.

Who Should Attend

  • The challenges are designed for students who are currently in high school or college.
  • A team will have the most success with at least three members; larger teams are great too.
  • Attendees under the age of 18 must have an adult attend with them and stay for the entire duration of the event. We encourage a teacher or other adult to accompany a team of high school students.
  • You are encouraged to register as a team. If you are an individual registering alone we may be able to find a team for you to join, but this is not a guarantee.  Start recruiting your team now!
  • Attendees are strongly encouraged to register only if they can participate in the entire event.
  • You may register as a remote attendee if you are part of a team. We will assist the rest of your team in communicating with you via video chat so you can participate.

What is Provided

  • Admission is free. Lodging, meals, mentorship, and access to the PARI facilities is made possible by PARI and its partners.
  • Basic supplies such as paper, writing instruments, and some art supplies are provided.
  • WiFi is available throughout the PARI campus.
  • Computers are available to use if you cannot bring your own.
  • You will have the opportunity to visit PARI’s museum, and weather allowing, view the night sky through telescopes.
  • Some other supplies like electronics equipment, crafting supplies, etc, may be available in limited quantities. Limited 3D printing capacity is available.

Important Rules & Information

  • Attendees under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult chaperone who remains with them for the entirety of the event.
  • One chaperone can be responsible for up to 8 attendees under the age of 18.
  • For larger teams, we encourage one chaperone for each gender in your team.
  • If you register and later become unable to attend, please let us know so we can make your space available to others.
  • PARI does not allow tobacco products, vapes, alcohol, drugs, or weapons anywhere on campus.
  • PARI is a peanut and tree-nut free campus. Please do not bring foods that include these ingredients.
  • Additional site policies will be included in an email prior to the event.

Lodging & Meal Details

  • Lodging provided is dormitory style. Beds are bunk beds and bathrooms and showers are located in the same building but are shared with others.
  • Camp Sites are available as well upon request.
  • You may need to bring your own twin sheets, blankets, pillows, and towels. More details about this will be shared once lodging assignments are made.
  • Attendees under the age of 18 must register with an adult who will remain with them for the duration of the event.
  • If you are an adult who is chaperoning attendees under the age of 18, you will be assigned lodging in the same building as the attendees you are responsible for. You must remain with your group for the entire event.
  • PARI will respect all food allergies and dietary restrictions. Dietary preferences will be respected to the best of our ability.
  • Meals will be available at regular and appropriate times throughout the event. Some snacks will be available between meals.
  • You may bring your own snacks, but they should not include peanuts or tree-nuts. Food is not allowed to be stored or consumed in the dorms or other lodging areas. Space will be provided to store snacks. We encourage you to bring them in a container that can be sealed and labeled.

Thank you to our partners, The Smoky Mountain STEM Collaborative, Southwestern Community College, NASA Space Grant, and other PARI supporters, for making this event possible!

Challenge descriptions will be released closer to the event. Check back on this page. People already registered will receive them via email.

If able, please register your whole team at once by adding multiple tickets to your cart. Contact us if you need to make changes later. Thank you!


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